Week 11: Part 1
For email newsletters, I could show the winners of any previous tournaments of a certain game. Usually in social media, businesses like mine tend to tweet about the winners of the tournament they just competed in. Tournaments are often collected in a series such as Wednesday Night Fights in California or Xanadu in Maryland. This is so they can continue to advertise the tournaments they hold so the consumer knows what it is and when they can go. Advertising a tournament series and the winner of each one in my newsletter would basically say "if you come to this tournament, this could be you and you could win this prize money!" I could also advertise the upcoming tournaments that I could potentially have before they start again including dates, prices of entry, etc. Some announcements such as upcoming majors and supporting team members going to tournaments would be nice for fans of my business and increase potential sales in entries for tournaments mentioned. With all this information, I would send out the newsletters weekly. This is because If I were to do this everyday, I would have nothing to talk about since most major information such as future plans and tournaments happen randomly and would be a wasted effort. Plus, emailing nowadays is not the same as instant messaging. People don't always check their email every single day, so information in daily newsletters would quickly become irrelevant and harder to follow. Once a week will help the consumer make plans for the tournaments mentioned, and will only take a little time out of their week to read. While Facebook and especially Twitter are best for announcing upcoming events, this could also be useful to consumers who don't use social media and especially the people who enjoy my business.
I think listing the winners of the past games is a good idea too. Maybe add some pictures of the games that are played and what gaming devices are used in order to play these games might help too. For me, I've never done this and wouldn't know what to use, so having an explanation of this might bring you more customers.