Monday, December 3, 2018

Week 15: Part 2

Aztec Brewing's analytics seem to have a really good data. According to the reactions chart, the business has had a steady amount of reactions, shares, comments, etc. However, the shares and comments seem to have low numbers compared to the reactions and other actions. The highest peak for shares and comments seem to be up to at least 5 each, 5 comments between Nov. 8th and 10th and 5 shares between Nov. 14 and 16th. Throughout the entire month, the number of reactions seem to average 10 to 15 reactions a day with higher peaks being up to 27. The highest in the entrie month was near 80 reactions on Nov. 20th. As for the other actions, it seems to have been scaling up and down throughout the month with the highest peak at almost 50 actions on Nov. 24th. On the recommendations chart, recommendations have only averaged to 1 recommendation through the month but as peaked at 6 recommendations between Nov. 24th and 26th. 

According to the page views chart, the most common demographic that views Aztec's page is men aged between 18 and over 65 years old. The highest amount of male viewers, which is a total of 16, are aged 25-34. As for the women, the common age is also between 18-65+ years old, but the highest amount of female viewers (being 10) are aged 45-54. Of course, the most people that viewed the page are from the U.S. with very little coming from the U.K., India, Phillipines, and Mexico. Most of the U.S. viewers live in San Diego compared to Vista, Oceanside, Carlsbad, and San Marcos. 

In the overview page, it says that page views have gone up 21%, likes have gone up 71%, and recommendations have gone up 133%, all statistics being of this last week alone. However, post reaches have gone down 19%, engagements have decreased by 12%, and page responsiveness has gone down by 57%. Either way, the page has pretty good numbers for the amount of likes and oage interactions from viewers. The most popular post of the last week was a post announcing a new black raspberry drink with a a total of over 900 reaches, 10 clicks, and 17 reactions. This obviously is the reason the page numbers have been very well increased.

As of the date the screenshot was taken, the amount of followers the page has is over 11,000 though that number has hardly changed throughout the entire month. The highest amount of follows happened via an "uncategorized desktop" on Nov. 26th while most of follows happened through the entire month by visiting the page itself. Searching wasn't the more common cause of the follows, but it did bring more followers than visiting the page. Not a single follow, however, came from the posts at any time during the month. There have been up to a total of 3 likes and 3 unlikes in the entire month, but the unlikes happened arguably more often than the likes. None of the likes were paid since the business is too small for paid ratings.

Post reach has totaled up to 1,000 people in early and late November and averaged throughout the month around 600 people. General reach, however, has totaled up to 2,000 people also in early and late November and has averaged around 1,500 people. Most of these people have been reached on their phones while only half of them were reached on their computers.

All of these are very good numbers for a small business like Aztec, and even better thanks to the one post last week. I would like to congratulate Ms. Faulk on these statistics and i hope her business continues to be this successful, if not, more.

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